Commercial HVAC Frequently Asked Questions


Welcome to the FAQ section of Commercial Mechanical Services LLC, an established HVAC company based in Lake Mary, FL, where exceptional HVAC assistance, superb customer service, and competitive rates are our pledge to you. Here, you’ll find answers to commonly asked questions that cover a wide range of topics, including service offerings, maintenance tips, and guidance on selecting the right HVAC solutions for your commercial needs. Our commitment is to ensure your HVAC systems are operating efficiently and effectively so your business can thrive without interruption. 

What’s the number one reason you need an Air Conditioning Contractor?

The number one reason to hire an air conditioning contractor is to ensure your HVAC system is installed, maintained, and repaired correctly and efficiently. HVAC units are one of the most significant expenses for any building. An HVAC contractor can catch issues before they become a complete failure, resulting in downtime. Professional contractors have the expertise and equipment to diagnose problems accurately, recommend the best solutions, and perform necessary adjustments or repairs to optimize the system’s performance and energy efficiency. This expertise can extend the life of your system, improve indoor air quality, and ensure your environment remains comfortable year-round.

Is the humidity Too High in Your Building?

If the air in your building feels damp, or you notice condensation on windows, peeling wallpaper, or a musty odor, your indoor humidity may be too high. Do you know an improperly sized HVAC unit can cause humidity in a building? Do you know an HVAC unit performing poorly can create humidity in the space it serves? Excessive moisture can lead to discomfort, longer run time, health issues, and damage to the building structure and furnishings. An HVAC professional can assess your system to ensure it’s appropriately dehumidifying the air and suggest solutions such as dehumidifiers or adjustments to your existing system to maintain optimal humidity levels.

Do Building Controls Save Money?

Yes, if set up correctly and used to their potential, modern building controls and automation systems can significantly save you money on energy costs. These systems allow for precise control over HVAC systems’ operation, ensuring that heating and cooling are provided efficiently and only when needed. By automating settings based on occupancy schedules and weather conditions, you can minimize energy waste and improve building comfort. An initial investment in HVAC controls can lead to substantial savings over time.

Is it True You Need to Add Refrigerant to Your System Every Year?

No, your HVAC system does not need refrigerant added yearly as long as it functions correctly and there are no leaks. The need to add refrigerant annually might indicate a leak or another problem with the system. It’s crucial to have your HVAC system checked by a professional contractor for efficient and safe operation.

Does Retro-Commissioning Help You Save Money?

Retro-commissioning involves testing a building’s systems, including HVAC, to bring the building back to originally engineered design requirements. Over time, building systems age and change. Testing the building’s equipment and balancing it back to the original engineered design can save money, identify issues, and improve hot and cold spots.

What Problems Do You Have Most with An AC System?

Common problems with AC systems in commercial buildings include inconsistent temperatures, poor air quality, high energy bills, and system breakdowns. Various sources can cause these issues, such as inadequate maintenance, aging equipment, or inefficient systems. Regular professional maintenance can help identify and prevent many problems by ensuring your system is clean, well-tuned, and operating as intended.

Why does your maintenance program cost more than my vendor’s?

Many vendors have different ideas about HVAC maintenance. Usually, there is a difference if you compare two prices directly; they aren’t apples to apples. Some companies believe preventative maintenance consists only of changing air filters and cleaning condensate drain pans, using their least expensive labor without checking the equipment’s operation. This approach often leads to service calls due to failures or poor operation that could have been prevented with a more thorough check of the machine, both electrically and mechanically. Many companies overlook electrical inspections, yet they are the number one reason for costly mechanical failures. If you suspect your vendor only provides a filter-changing service, ask them for the hours they have priced into your contract and compare it to other vendors. You might be surprised by how little you’re paying for.